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Ocean City, MD III
Yes, it was a little strange eating breakfast staring right at Bin Laden's face but the donut was still good.

Ocean City, MD II
Ocean City, MD
Joke House.
Mom and I.
Camp counselor.
Another Boilermaker down the hatch.
Great job double R!!!

The road to Utica.
The first day back is always a little rusty...just trust me.

Walking along Woodruff. Looks like a new fourth of July tradition is forming...

My first Conesus Lake Ring of Fire thanks to the Bishop and Sapienza families, the Beachcomber and this random couple I photographed;)
The grill master at work.
Congratulations Jen and Tito:)!
Bill the painter.
Glenn and his strays.

More work snaps.

You can not ask for a more fun shoot than this:)

Samreen and Asif part 1.

The United States Army Field Band.

Screenwriter Jamie Nash trying to look creepy/scary for a portrait at home. As much as I love smiley photos, this was fun change.

More pizza (this time for work) hahaha...

"All roads lead back to Rochester."
-K. von V.
Hanging with Emma-Leigh. This cutie pie has Russell-Silver Syndrome but you would never know she was so happy and active.
Funny little story about this shoot. As Emma-Leigh and her mom walked out of their car and headed to the park, I stood up from a bench to greet them. As she got a little closer she did a 180 turn and starting running straight back for the car...haha. It was so cute. It didn't take to long before we were friends:)